Science Lab
Science Lab
It is vital for our school to have the latest and high quality science lab supplies. Science is different from any other subject. In order to understand its concepts, students has to look beyond the books and conventional classroom teaching. Effective teaching and learning of science involves seeing, handling, and manipulating real objects and materials. We believe that the knowledge that our students attain in classrooms would be ineffectual unless they actually observe the process and understand the relationship between action and reaction.
We in our science lab combine classroom teaching with laboratory experiments to ensure that the students grasp each and every concept thoroughly. The experiments that our student conduct help encourage deep understanding of science. Our students are able to retain the knowledge for longer when they see the experiments being performed in front of their eyes. This has a positive outcome in helping our students to decide their futures goals in modern days of science and technology.
In order to implement our objective, our science lab is fully equipped with advanced instruments and supplies. The students interact directly with these instruments under high quality supervision and safe working environment to gather the data. They get a first-hand learning experience by performing various experiments on their own. In addition to advance instruments we provide our students with models, such as anatomy models, physics science kits, chemistry kits to make it easy to understand complex theories of science.
By virtue of equipping our science lab with latest materials and supplies we are making our students prepared for the scientific advances yet to come. Our students develop interest in scientific research in science lab. Students are encourage to design their own projects, hypothesis, testing methodologies and scientific reports. This increases our student’s reasoning skill and they start to think deeply on theories and concepts, thus we are committed to bring up next generation of engineers, doctors and scientists. Our high school students from Year 7 to Year 12 are regularly attending the laboratory sessions.
Here is a brief overview of our science lab supplies and equipment’s to make science interesting and effective for students and to encourage them to make significant contributions in the field of physics, biology, chemistry, and other streams of science later in life.