4 July 2022

Assalamu Alaikum

News Telling

This semester the Year 1 students were encouraged to develop their news telling and Oral Language skills. The students presented by preparing their presentation on paper or a PowerPoint. The Oral skills included speaking clearly, using appropriate body language, using complete sentences, and showing confidence when speaking to the teacher and peers.

Thank you to parents who assisted their children by making them practice their talk at home before presenting at school. The children showed photos, drawings, or other relevant materials including PowerPoints to make their presentations more interesting.


The Year 1’s were thrilled to begin an exciting year exploring the amazing world of mathematics through hands-on learning, interactive activities, and engaging discussions. They learned to develop their Number Sense by using a variety of strategies to add and subtract within 20. The Year 1 students enhanced their understanding and knowledge of 2-digit place value and skip counting including 2D/3D shapes.


The Year 1 students explored changes that occurred in the sky and weather patterns. This included identifying the different features of the sky and how they change on a daily, weekly, and with each new season.


This semester, the Year 1 students were encouraged to use strategies to improve and edit their writing to make it more interesting for the reader. They also focused on identifying and spelling digraphs within words.

Physical Education

This term, the Year 1’s were happy to welcome a group of coaches from the SANFL Multicultural Team. The coaches worked with the year 1 students in their different clinics and gave them a taste of what to expect in AUSKICK. Two of the coaches were specifically appointed to work with AIC Adelaide school off the back of the Bachar Houli Cup success.

Student Well Being

Year 1 students participate in Social & Emotional Awareness lessons. Social and Emotional Learning is about learning how to manage feelings, manage friendships and solve problems. We continue to focus on strategies that they can draw upon to combat any difficulties that they may experience. We will examine how making positive choices can build positive relationships with others.

Importance of Reading

We would like to impress the importance of regular reading at home. To gain fluency it is vital that children read every day. We ensure that students have a range of opportunities to read at school, in different group settings, and in different curriculum areas. However, it is still important for children to read aloud at home for 10 – 15 minutes each day. Reading aloud to an audience is different from reading silently to yourself because it requires clear articulation, fluency, comprehension, and expression.


Thank you to the students and parents for the excellent attendance shown this semester. It has been a delight to see the students who are punctual to school by coming at 8:30 am. Regular attendance and punctuality are important for the continuity of our programs and for the student’s learning at school.

We look forward to diving into Term 3’s learning with our students. We encourage parents to speak to us if they have any queries about their child at school. Please make an appointment at the front office.


Mrs. Fernandez and Mrs. Panos
Year 1 Teachers