5 July 2022

Year 9 HASS

In Year 9 Geography, the focus at the beginning of the term was biomes. Students were introduced to a range of biomes and where they can be found in the natural world. They were shown how each biome plays a crucial role for life on the planet and that if one falls, stress is put on the surrounding biomes. Students selected a biome and created an infographic to present the unique characteristics it possesses and the threats it is facing. In the second half of the term, the classes focused on food security around the world. They were made aware that not everyone eats like we do in Australia and that if they did, the world would run out of food rapidly. The Year 9 students reviewed popular crops around the world and the reason why they are produced en-masse.

Ms Ann Vincent and Mr Antonios Pagonis

Year 10 HASS

In Year 10 Geography, students were introduced to the Earth’s biosphere with a focus on the delicate balance that our lives rely on. They were introduced to the concept of Earth Overshoot Day and the real-life situations around the world that are threatening our planet’s biodiversity and long-term future, along with the environmental management decisions that can be made to put a stop to the destruction. As the senior-school semester ticked over, the subject became Civics and Citizenship and the students were introduced to Australia’s system of Government and separation of power, the term ended with students comparing aspects of our Country’s political system to that of another country in the Asian region.

Ms Ann Vincent, Mr Antonios Pagonis and Ms Emine Atakan