Middle School
Middle School (Years 7-9)
Our goal in Middle School is to develop dynamic and confident young people who take pride in their identity as Australian Muslims. Students engage in myriad learning experiences that enhance critical and creative thinking and promote agency. Through the Middle School Curriculum, that follows the guidelines set by ACARA, students develop their knowledge and understanding, strengthen ethical values and begin to see themselves as community citizens. Our students are encouraged to take responsibility for their own learning, develop resilience and think laterally which prepares them for studies in Senior School.
The Middle School teachers provide authentic experiences with high expectations from students. Their expertise in their learning areas enables them to construct meaningful and differentiated learning experiences for the students. An EALD program is in place to cater to the needs of students who speak English as an additional language. Individual Learning Plans are designed for students who require intensive support or intervention in learning for any subject area.
Our students also engage in a variety of co-curricular experiences offered by the school. These include sporting events, debating, creative writing, academic writing, design and craft, specialist Science workshops, coaching and mentoring about careers to name a few.
Middle School Philosophy

Social Emotional Well-Being:
Adolescence marks a period of transition where students need to develop a positive personal identity which sets them up for future learning and life experiences. This is accomplished through the development and reinforcement of school core values and positive behavior management. The availability of two school counsellors helps students maintain high levels of social-emotional well-being.
Middle School Areas of Study