Newsletter – Term 4

Executive Principal’s Message

Executive Principal’s Message

The academic year has flown by.  It has been another great year Masha’Allah for Australian Islamic College — full of fun, activities, challenges and growth.

We are striving to enhance communication between school and families using electronic modes for the academic and Islamic success of our children.  From this term, the College is producing in-house newsletters rather than relying on Schoolzine.

I would like to take this opportunity to say well done to all of our students.  They have worked very hard throughout the year; they have tried to always do their best and have impressed teachers and parents alike with their efforts and achievements.  We are all very proud of them and look forward to even greater accomplishments next year, Insha’Allah. 

Thank you to our parents and families for your confidence in the College and your support of the school over the past year.  We are truly blessed with a caring and supportive community that enables us to realize the shared educational goals we have for your children.  We really appreciate such a positive partnership between home and school and look forward to this continuing throughout your involvement with the College.  I also appreciate the feedback received from parents and students via the school survey conducted earlier this term.  Please rest assured that all feedback is gratefully received and assists us greatly in not only celebrating what we are doing well, but to focus on the areas that can be improved.

Thank you also to our wonderful teachers for the stimulating programs you have presented to our children and for the individual care you have taken with each child in your class.  Finally, I would like to sincerely thank our school Board members for all their efforts over the year.  Their positive guidance and ongoing support ensured that the College continued to go from strength to strength.

Our prayers are with the parents and children leaving us at the end of Year 12.  We have loved having each and every one of you at Australian Islamic College Adelaide.  I hope that you all leave our College with fond memories.  Please keep in touch and let us know of your achievements as the years go by.  We would love to continue to be involved in your progress and achievements, of which I am sure there will be many, Insha’Allah.

May you all have a safe and relaxing summer break. I look forward to working together again in 2022.

– Abdullah Khan

Executive Principal

Principal’s Message

Assalaam ‘alaikum

Dear Parents,

Alhamdulillah, praise be to Allah, 2021 has been a challenging but ultimately extremely successful year. It has been a pleasure to see our students develop over the past 12 months and to support our teachers in delivering a range of wonderful events alongside their exemplary teaching practice. Despite the pressure of COVID-19, our teaching was continuous whether online or in the classroom and we look forward to excellent results from our graduating students.

2021 has seen the exciting introduction of Robotics into our upper primary, a wicking garden next to the STEAM room and the opening of our primary Science, Technology, Art and Maths room. There have also been many improvements completed including more greening of the school and its gardens, smartboards installed throughout the school, a beautiful screen and enhanced sound systems for our Morning Assembly, a 200% increase in laptops for student use, upgrades to existing computer labs, our internet system and in 2022 new communication systems throughout the school. A beautiful mural celebrating the 99 names of our blessed Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. was completed by the Year 12 students, while high school students have almost completed a large mosaic which will beautify the basketball area outside the main hall.

We have held many events at the school this year including International Women’s Day with guest speakers, a successful Iftar followed by a well-attended Eid Festival, Ramadan Art competition, Arabic Assemblies for both High school and primary, Quran competition and Sirah Week, Harmony Day, charitable fundraising, Remembrance Day, Teacher’s Day, Book Week, Clean up Australia, Self-Initiated Project Day, Market Day and of course our beautifully run graduations of Year 12, Year 6 and Kindergarten. For each of these events AIC teachers have dedicated hours of planning, late nights in decorating and many hours of practice sessions. I would like to acknowledge the hard work of our teachers and their dedication in ensuring that AIC students have a range of fun and exciting events throughout the year.

Sport has also seen our students achieve outstanding results – winning the Bachar Houli Cup, the Power Intercultural Program and interschool competitions with elite schools. Our after-school sports programs and coaching have also increased. Swimming has begun again this year and we look forward to increasing the quality of our sports activities as well as our sports facilities.

For 2022, Insha Allah, we will be continuing all of these events with an added focus on improving the quality and competitiveness of our teaching. As our school grows, we would like to thank the increasing attendance of our parents and hope that you will become even more involved through volunteering and attendance at our Parent Meetings.

May Allah s.w.t. guide us to His Mercy, and guide our children to success through the straight path of Siratul Mustaqueem.

– Silma Ihram


Adelaide Campus

Deputy Principal’s Message


To be Vaxxed or not to be Vaxxed? – That is the question!

From the beginning of the 2022 school year, all Education Staff in SA must be vaccinated against COVID 19.

I made the decision to be vaccinated in June this year following my husband’s vaccination.

To be quite honest with you, I was hesitant. I didn’t feel comfortable having a substance injected in me that hadn’t been around long. I’d also heard bad reports about the Astra Zeneca vax which made me nervous.

However, I have had both my jabs now and I feel very relieved and proud of myself that I have done this.

  • I am now protecting our community and our children the best way I can
  • The side effects from the vaccine are far less than the effects of the disease
  • I am now able to go to hospitals and Nursing Homes to see my loved ones without fear of passing COVID onto them
  • I am feeling more and more confident about travelling

It’s so important that our children 16 and over are vaccinated. Please talk to you medical professionals about getting this done.

One really important thing to remember is listen to the experts.

Do not rely on the misleading misinformation (fake news) of unqualified social media scare mongers.

The basic rules still apply

  • Social distance (1.5 metres)
  • Wear a face mask when out and about
  • wash hands thoroughly or use hand sanitizer
  • QR code
  • listen to and adhere to current requirements regarding restrictions
  • Get vaxxed!

Sure, we are not quite safe yet from COVID and its variants, but I’d rather be vaxxed than not vaxxed.

I’ve rolled up my sleeve to be vaxxed! Will you?

Have a great summer break with your family and we will see you all back again next year!

Kind regards

– Rosalie Haese

Deputy Principal

Adelaide Campus

Head of Junior and Upper Primary’s Message

Assalamu’Alaikum wa Rahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

We cannot believe that the end of the school year has arrived.

This has been an extraordinary 2021 with a tremendous sense of accomplishment.

From the inauguration of the STEM room and student activities, World Math Day, Harmony Day, Sports day celebrations in beginning of the year to Premier’s Reading Challenge, fundraisers, after school sports, Year level transitions and end of year classroom celebrations – our students have been involved in an extraordinary number of activities. Not forgetting the tremendous amount of learning that has taken place during the year. We are very proud of our students at AIC Adelaide who continuously demonstrated great character throughout 2021. Congratulations to all our students and keep up the good work.

To our graduating Year 2 class – congratulations on your achievement. The Junior Primary teachers wish you all the best as you move to Upper Primary (Year 3).

To our graduating year 6 classes – congratulations on completing Primary School, and we wish you all the best in your studies next year as High School students. A big thank you to Mrs Banjan, Ms Jahic and Mr Ali for organising a fantastic year 6 graduation.

The Junior Primary students are very close to earning all their reward points for term 4. To celebrate this term’s work, Upper Primary and Junior Primary will be having year level celebrations.

Students from Year 4 to 6 will also be attending camp in Week 9 at Mylor.

Thank you to the Junior Primary and Upper Primary staff of AIC Adelaide for their professionalism, commitment, and unceasing endeavours in ensuring every student is provided with the very best educational opportunity.

We wish all our families at AIC Adelaide a wonderful break.

– Mrs. Fernandez & Mrs. Khelwaty

Heads of Junior Primary & Upper Primary

Adelaide Campus

Middle School Coordinator’s Message

Assalamu Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wa Barakatuh.

Alhumdullilah we have reached the end of another successful school year. A huge thank you to parents, teachers and students for supporting each other to accomplish the educational objectives of 2021.  Earlier this year we welcomed a new cohort of nervous year 7 students into the middle school. Some were apprehensive about high school and transitioning took a while but what we saw this term proved that they have grown into confident and capable students, mainly through the guidance and support of their teachers. At the self-initiated science display, these students demonstrated creativity, resourcefulness, confidence, and excellent communication skills as they explained their interesting projects to the rest of the school and parents. Another example of growth was in the Market day project, where they set up businesses, putting in practice many skills and achieving their financial goals.  Despite it being a short and busy term with exams and projects, our students still made us proud in the various sporting activities that they participated in. We are indeed proud of their achievements.

As we embark on a new journey of growth and learning, we are more than certain that with the help of Allah (SWT) and your continuous support, we will be able to take our school to the next level in 2022.  At our end, we shall continue working with you in the best interests of our students and our community at large. Once again I wish to thank our committed and dedicated staff, parents, and leadership for their tireless efforts and ongoing dedication to the betterment of our school. Looking forward to 2022, being a bright and wonderful school year, with endless possibilities.

– Kubashni Pillay

Head of Middle school

Middle School Curriculum Coordinator’s Message

Assalamu Alaikum

It is hard to believe that it is almost the end of the school year. This has been a year replete with learning opportunities that students have engaged in enthusiastically and to the best of their abilities. While they continued to work industriously to elevate their learning, there were also well-deserved interludes to display their sporting acumen and leadership skills. Being the ultimate learning period of the year, the students had their semester exams, standardised tests, formative and summative assessments during the term. The results from these assessments will enable their teachers to compare and contrast their performance over the year, become cognizant of the progress made and set directions and goals for their future studies.

One of the Highlights of this term was the SIP (Student Initiated Project) exhibition for Science. Year 7 students worked for 5 weeks on a creative scientific concept or idea generating products and artefacts which were then exhibited for students as well parents. This gave students an opportunity for hands on application of scientific knowledge that they have developed over the year. This event ties in well with the school’s vision of underscoring the importance of STEM.

The students also engaged in Business and Enterprise projects based on which they organised a ‘Market Day’ to put their skills on display. It was great to see them market and display their products and also make some profits. The aim of this activity was to develop financial awareness focussing on smart business, smart spending, smart choices and smart saving. It is hoped that these experiences will be valuable to students in their everyday life and help them make economically viable decisions.

As we approach the end of this term, I would recommend to all parents to set up a time to see their child’s teachers particularly if they have concerns regarding their performance in a specific subject area. This would give them a detailed insight into their children’s strengths and challenges faced by them to be able to support them in the holidays. This meeting can also apprise them of some of the learning for next year or help them get some insights about what kind of reading to do in the holidays to hone their academic capabilities.

All the parents have also received the lists of books and resources that students will require next year. Purchasing them before the start of the next academic year will enable your children to be ready for learning when the school starts. I am also hoping that it will also generate motivation to engage with the text books in the summer holidays.

To conclude, I would like to thank you all for your support during this year. I look back upon the year with a sense of satisfaction and pride in the learning opportunities that students had exposure to and their eagerness to embrace them.

I look forward to seeing you all next year.

Kind regards,

– Mrs Hussain

Middle School Curriculum Coordinator

Junior Primary and Primary SRC

Junior Primary and Primary Student Representative Council (SRC) 2021

It’s been another amazing semester supporting our youngest student leaders in the SRC. The biggest highlight for us was the development of our two wicking gardens and planting an abundance of vegetables – it makes my heart beet.

After applying and winning a small grant from Woolworths and Junior Landcare we embarked on the task of redeveloping an unused area in the school and building a vegetable garden. We held a ‘rainbow of healthy food’ fundraiser and sought help from Bunnings Prospect for some donations.

Next, we reached out to Dr Ian Macdonald who designed and built the 2 wicking garden systems and supported students in planting a range of vegetables. He, along with other amazing volunteers, made our absolutely radishing gardens!

We would now like to name and thank everyone for their support:

Dr Ian Macdoanld – Wicking Garden mastermind

Mr Kevin Gilbert – Engineering extraordinaire

Mr Nigel Stone – Engineer extraordinaire

Bunnings Prospect

A special thankyou to Mr Christopher Bremner-Macdonald from Bremac Photography for filming all of our SRC videos including: ‘Step Up to Clean Up’, ‘10c Recycling at AIC’, ‘Wonderous Wicking Gardens’ and for his event photography.

Our wonderful Art Club led by Mrs Ernst designed and painted our ‘Food for Human Beans’ sign. Thank you to Maryam, Sumeya, Umaiza, Rayan, Maymunah and Awa. The design brief looks amazing, and we can’t wait to have the final sign up soon! It was mint to be.

Our SRC are always on a mission to engage student voice and sought designs for the rest of area from our Year 2 and 3 students. These are displayed in the STEM room and will be used as a reference by the landscaper and garden team.

Sustainability has been our mission and our Year 5 SRC representatives, Sibal and Ziram, met with our Principal to discuss the revamp of paper recycling at the college. This led to each class being provided with a new paper recycling bin to reduce our impact on the planet. We have also liaised with the local council to provide each class with an organic waste bin to compost our new garden and worm farm.

We were very excited and grateful to welcome the Honourable David Speirs, Minister for Environment and Water, to our college to open our garden. We showcased all of the amazing work by SRC in a special assembly and heard from Mr Speirs about environmental projects in our state; including new national park boundaries and reintroducing platypus to the river Torrens area.

Thank you to all of our wonderful Student Representatives in Junior Primary and Primary. From our littlest leaders Mu’adh and Shaheer in Reception to our Executives, Massan, Saja, Shamel and Yashir in Year 6, all of our council members wholeheartedly demonstrate the core values of our college and dedication to student voice.

Year 2

Assalamu Alaikum

Dear Parents/Caregivers

We have come to end of 2021. We have been through a lot this year.

Masha Allah! The Year 2 students must be commended for their amazing efforts and accomplishments. They all have worked really hard to get so far and are ready for the challenges Year 3 has to bring.

Ms. Safi and I are vey proud and would like to take this opportunity to say:

THANK YOU for the wonderful memories and for being great students throughout the year.

To all the parents we can’t thank you enough for your ongoing support and perseverance.

Insha Allah we wish you all the best for 2022!

Have a wonderful and safe break. See you all next year.

Year 3

Assalam alaikum to our Year 3 students and families

Term 4 is always a term filled with mixed emotions as we are excited about the holidays but will also miss our students. We have all worked together to get through all of our topics and assessments and also to complete our PAT tests. It has been great to see the progress of all our students


We took advantage of our lovely grass area and we were given the opportunity to improve our batting, fielding and most importantly our team skills. All students enjoyed the coaching sessions throughout the term and even the teachers joined in!

Student Comments:

  • It was fun
  • It was epic
  • Great for exercising
  • Great to play with your friends
  • We all loved batting!!

Lego Robotics

This incursion was much anticipated by all. Our challenge was to make a paper crimping machine that could be turned on and off with a switch. Once this was achieved our students needed to achieve the same outcome but with coding to give instructions to the machine. The instructions then became more complex as only half the paper was allowed to go through the machine and then reverse and come out again. With much trial and error all succeed with limited support. A very successful lesson for all who participated.

Student Comments:

  • It was fun but at the same time it helped me learn about Lego robotics (Isatou).
  • It taught me about Lego robotics and how it works (Youssef).

Arabic Assembly & Spelling Bee

A very exciting day when all of our primary students attended the Arabic assembly and some were part of the performances and competed in the spelling bee. We were very proud of our students and congratulations to all on their own hard work and for supporting their peers.

We would like to wish all our students a happy and safe holiday and thank all our families for their support all throughout our year. We have both appreciated all the hard work that has put in and it has been great to have been a part of this very successful year.

– Ms. Sutton & Mrs. Zulfic

Year 4

Assalamu Alaikum Parents/Guardians

We have reached quite close to the finish line before the end of Term 4, 2021. Year 4A students have come a long way this year coping with many new challenges from transitioning to online learning during this pandemic to keeping an optimistic front to attain their educational goals. They have been exceptional in building their resilience adjusting to many changes with an unwavering determination to succeed.

They thoroughly enjoyed their learning this term in literacy with a focus on writing persuasive texts part of their genre using Seven Steps. Students had to learn and identify the critical components of persuasive text structure, use persuasive devices, technical vocabulary and attention-grabbing phrases to persuade readers. Book Club was a major hit with Year 4A students who enjoyed the reading sessions and worked as teams to reflect on their reading using the various strategies taught throughout the year. Students have wrapped up their Lexile reading for this term with flying colours as well and will continue to keep up their reading over the holidays by borrowing books from public libraries that matches their Lexile range.

In Math, we focused on thinking analytically to solve word problems related to multiplication and division. They had to learn various strategies to multiply two-digit numbers, divide two-digit numbers as well as three-digit numbers by a one-digit number using long division with and without remainders. One-step and Two-step word problems related to both multiplication and division were challenges they enjoyed problem-solving. Using accurate mathematical terminologies to explain concepts learned has been a vital focus throughout and encouraged consistently during discussions in class.

Weathering was one of the key concepts investigated and learned extensively in Science this term. Students were very engaged and interested in collecting soil samples, studying the three components that made up soil i.e. sand, clay and silt. They conducted various experiments and used a lot of concept maps to research and study physical, chemical and biological weathering.

Drama sessions were a thrill as students actively participated to use voice, actions and linguistic elements to express themselves using several pay scripts getting into the skin of the characters they portrayed.

When our class found out it was a design term, they were initially disappointed not to have technology. This quickly changed when they began their Bedroom design project. Students were given $3000 and a design brief to redesign a bedroom for themselves. Spending this money was a steep learning curve for many students who soon worked out they needed to budget carefully to buy everything they needed. Completing the seven-step design process from beginning to end proved to be a lot of fun.

In Health this term we have investigated sun safety. We wanted to explore how to best look after ourselves when we are in the sun. In doing this, students explored how the sun effects their skin, what the UV Index is and what we can use to protect ourselves on days where the UV is extreme. We had a cricket coach for part of the term and once we had solidified our skills, we played several games. This helped the students to practice team play and learn how to work together. We certainly have some talented cricketers in our class!

In HASS this term we looked at European Exploration. Students investigated the journeys of the great explorers from the 1400s to the late 1700s and discovered what the daily lives of our First Nations People were like before European settlers. Students worked especially hard on their final assessment task. They chose an Explorer they were interested in learning more about and presented research in the form of a poster.

It has been an amazing year of teaching Year 4A students, watching them progress academically, socially, and emotionally. I wish them all the best for next year and pray that Allah Ease all the challenges that come their way and Guide them through the right path always. Ameen.

– Rumana Mazhar

– Katy Javor

Year 5

Assalamu Alaikum,

The end of the year has come, and students have worked hard in their last term as year 5’s.

Students were able to participate in Wheelienet, an excursion to Bounce, and many will be heading off to camp at Mylor in the last week of school.

In English, the students used their comprehension skills while reading a class novel together. In writing, students have been working on creating Informative texts.

In Mathematics students focused on Measurement and Geometry, learning about length, perimeter, metric units, applying enlargement transformation and learning about volume, capacity and mass.

In Science, we investigated the properties of light. Students explored the phenomena of reflection, refraction, shadow and more.

In HASS, the students have been learning about Businesses, and were able to create their own companies, logo, products, business name, and had to choose a CEO.

We wish our students all the best for their future studies next year in Year 6.

– Carolina De Leonardis, Senija Jahic & Tanya Khelwaty

Digital Technologies

Assalamu alaikum,

This term we were able to introduce Robotics for the first time to our year 5 classes.

Lego Robotics enables students to learn by constructing their own models and bringing them to life. Students were able to communicate, collaborate, and improve their team building skills. Students built robots with lego, then used coding to program these robots to perform various functions.

Students were able to create robots from lego, and could then program them using coding. Students created glowing snails, moving satellites, spy robots, cooling fans and robust structures.

Our school was fortunate to have Senator the Hon Simon Birmingham, Minister of Finance, come to visit our school. He was able to visit our students working in our new STEM room on their Lego Robotics projects.

Next year our year 3 and year 4 classes will be able to begin doing Robotics for the first time inshallah.

– Mrs Khelwaty

Arabic Lower Primary

Assalamu Alaikum Parents & Guardians,

                                                السَّلامُ عَلَيْكُم وَرَحْمَةُ الله وَبَرَكاتُه

The Qur’an class

The Holy Prophet صَلَّى اللّٰهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّم has said: فَإِنَّ خَيْرَ الْحَدِيثِ كِتَابُ اللّٰهِ i.e., the best Word is the Book of Allah (Quran Majeed)’. (Muslim, pp. 335, Hadees 2005). That is why the Juz’ memorization was the most important reward this term. Our Qur’an teachers keep a record of our students progress, and the department decided to reward those who completed the memorization of a whole Juz’. Masha ‘Allah, Masha ‘Allah, the primary school has many students who finished different Juz’ of the Noble Qur’an.

Receptions and morning prayers:

“Always respectful and safe” is one of the AIC’s core values. At AIC we believe that being respectful is one of the succeed keys, and the first thing we need to respect is our own beliefs and religion. Therefore, the Islamic studies and Arabic department organized an event for the junior primary stage to teach them how should they stand during the morning prayers.

Sirah Week:

The Arabic department ran a Sirah week, to remind our students with our prophet Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم

The Arabic Language Assembly:

Alhamdulillah, this year the Arabic department organized the Arabic assembly which had several presentations. Abu Bakr and Uzair started the day with a fluent recitation of Surat Al-Fatiha and Surat Abasa.

Then a video about our great Islamic civilization was played, Yafa Koly – year 3- commented on that video with a short speech and short poem.

At AIC we believe that the Arabic language is an essential part of our Islamic culture, our principal Mrs. Ihram has set a great example of that by approving to be interviewed by Zobair – from year 6- in Arabic language.

Kindergarten students had their cute role too, they sang a short Nasheed about Shahadah:

لا إله إلا الله، محمد رسول الله

Receptions presented three presentations, the first one was about the Arabic alphabet, the second was a bilingual presentation that about body parts, and the third one was they expressing their love to their mothers.

Year two (remedial group) presented a brilliant song about starting every action in our day with the name of Allah:

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

Year two (mainstream) presented two meaningful songs, the first one about the family members, and the second one about the days of the week and emphasized Aljumaa (Friday) as the best day in the week for us as Muslims.

Year 3 (mainstream) introduced a very important message through their song (Don’t let any body touch here لا تسمح لأي أحد يلمس هنا ) . The song highlighted the importance of being aware as kids of their private parts and urged every kid to be brave and their family if any one dare to touch them.

Year 4 hosted the whole assembly, and our amazing student Sidrah presented a pretty long poem in a fluent Arabic language, Masha’ Allah.

Year 5 (mainstream) was the stars of our assembly this year, they performed two scenes. The first one highlighted the fact that Islam enjoins equality for all human beings in dealings. All people are equal in rights and duties. It was about the story of Ali bin Abi Talib, the Jewish man, and the shield.

The second scene was The Old Man and his Sons, sometimes titled The Bundle of Sticks, is an Aesop’s Fable whose moral is that there is strength in unity.

Year 5 concluded the assembly’s presentations with a Nasheed about Muslims daily Dua’ of entering Aljannah

After all of those amazing presentations which were presented by all the primary stage year levels, it was the time for our first Arabic spelling bee competition.

Our principal, Mrs Ihram, handed the certificates and medals for the winners, and then she handed certificates for the winners of the handwriting competition.

Covered Materials:

This term, receptions were introduced to the main three Arabic short sounds. Alhamdulillah, we have very good Arabic readers going to year one next year.

Year two learnt a lot, Masha ‘Allah, this term. They mastered the Arabic alphabet, shapes, sounds, reading words with short and long vowels, and using the present tense with different subjects.

Year three this term, designed and wrote a card for their mothers as an application of their unit.

Year 4 went through most of the literacy skills this term, they were lucky to have Sis Dania to help the newcomers to master their Arabic Alphabet.

Year 5 students learnt about describing people and through this unit they had the time to think about the blessings that we have in our own bodies, and to remember to say Alhamdulillah الحمدالله.

Year 6 students this term focused on using both present and past tenses.

السَّلامُ عَلَيْكُم وَرَحْمَةُ الله وَبَرَكاتُهُ

     Heba Adel 

Arabic Language, Islamic and Qur’an Studies Teacher 

Arabic as a second language coordinator/ Primary stage

Physical Education

Term Four has seen the continued development of the sporting programs run at AIC Adelaide. This term we have achieved the following.

  1. Successfully secured $3000 in Sporting Schools Grants.
  2. Run Upper Primary Cricket Coaching sessions with funding.
  3. Run the the first ever Club Connect program for Primary students.
  4. Completed AIC’s first ever Auskick program
  5. Participated in the Crows Cup AFL Competition
  6. Built relationships with Northern Islamic Schools for future competitions
  7. Celebrated PE Week

Sporting Schools Grants

We have now been successful 10 terms in a row in securing Sporting Schools funding for our Primary School. We continue to see the increase in physical activity in the yard and are now starting to see students branch out to club sport to develop sport specific skills. This term we tried a Cricket clinic with fantastic results. Chosen to coincide with the cricket season and the World Cup, we saw several emerging cricketers develop their skills over the term.  Our coaches were  able to combine elements of fun and skill into a fantastic engaging program for all students involved.

Club Connect Program

We booked out this program in record time. It was an incredible opportunity to connect schools and clubs and encourage students to progress into sporting clubs. This is an enormously important stage for sport as talented students need to be at a club to be noticed and have a chance to begin their chosen pathway. This term we did an eight week soccer clinic. There was a waiting list a mile long. We were lucky enough to have the Adelaide United Women’s Team Goalkeeper Miranda Templeman as one of our coaches. Students across R-6 participated and all went home with a pack full of goodies at the end.

Crows Cup

The Crows Cup was our only competition for the term. Two teams of girls from year 5 and 6 went to West Adelaide Football Club to participate in another 9-a-side AFL competition. The purpose of the Crows Cup is to engage budding female footballers in AFL. In a previously male dominated sport their has been a considerable push to encourage female participation. Our girls tasted success at the Bachar Houli Cup and were keen to try again. Our competition was very competitive. Several schools had teams of girls who played regular club footy and had considerably more experience than us. AIC girls were undeterred and gave every contest their all. We challenged each team we played and look forward to having another go next year. For their enthusiasm and sportsmanship throughout the day, the girls were awarded the Team Spirit Trophy.

Physical Education Week

This term we celebrated PE Week from the 8th – 12th of November. It is exciting to consider all the growth that has occurred in our department over the past year. So many new initiatives, new sports and opportunities have been introduced for the benefit of our students. We ran two incursions, one for each sub school. Circus Elements came to see Junior Primary classes and taught them a range of skills from their extensive program. We would like to thank Scott for being so accommodating and having so much fun! Novita visited the Upper Primary, and through their Wheelienet Program they showed our students a different side of sport. Michael had experience and knowledge that helped our students understand what living with a disability is like. They had a try at some sports and walked away grateful for the opportunity.

I am always looking ahead and planning has already begun for next year. Swimming is booked in for late term one. We are looking at inter-school competitions with Pinnacle College in term one and a term two sports day. I will be continuing to seek out more opportunities for our students to fulfil their sporting potential. Looking forward to a successful 2022!

– Katy Javor

[email protected]


It is hard to believe that it is almost the end of the school year.  This year has been full of so much fun, learning, laughs and creativity.  It has been an absolute pleasure teaching all of the students and watching them learn and grow.  It is always difficult to say goodbye at the end of a school year, however, it is extremely rewarding so see how much the students have progressed.  Here are some photos of the amazing learning that has happened this term.

We would like to take this opportunity to wish all of our students and families a safe and happy holiday break.  Looking forward to seeing at school next year Insha’Allah.

– Miss Gilbert and Mrs Panos


Even though the rollout of our ‘Nude Food Program’ will now commence in 2022, it has been great to see many families supporting this initiative.  Thank you to those that have purchased a new lunchbox or reusable containers.  It has been great to see all of the healthy and creative food options being brought to school.  I have included some information as to why we are moving towards this program.

– Mrs Panos

HASS Co-coordinator

High School HASS

On 11th November, our school honoured and remembered our veterans who served and sacrificed in all wars and conflicts in Australia and New Zealand. Khadija Sunasra, Elaf Farrage, Lejla Omanovic & Amar El-Rifai from Year 10 presented the importance of Remembrance Day and the significance of poppy flowers during the morning assembly. The images had created a great visual impact on our students and provided a unique experience.  It was a very informative presentation, about the soldiers who served, died, or suffered in wars and peacekeeping operations. They acknowledged the individual acts of heroism of soldiers and their fight for peace, which they fought for fearlessly.

Year 7 and Year 8

Year 7 and 8 students studied Economics and Business in HASS this term. They studied concepts relating to starting a business, the relationship between consumers and producers, how markets operate, and how to achieve business success. Year 7 students set up a mini-market and utilised the skills they were taught to ensure their business was a success. The students were excited and I am sure we have some future entrepreneurs at our school. Year 8 students researched successful entrepreneurs and presented their findings to their peers, in the form of interviews and PowerPoint presentations. Many skills for business success were discovered and most importantly, our students are inspired to realise their dreams.

Year 9  

This term, the Year 9 students were introduced to the concept of Economics & Business. Students learned about how the Australian economy functions and its role in allocating and distributing resources.  They researched the global events that affected the Australian economy and explained how events overseas can have an impact on Australia. They gained knowledge about the importance of managing financial risks and rewards along with strategies in achieving economic goals.

Year 10 

This term, the Year 10 students were introduced to the concept of Economics and Business. They learned about why and how governments manage economic performance to improve living standards. They gained knowledge and understanding of the importance of government intervention in the market, factors influencing major consumer decisions and the ways to improve productivity and economic conditions. Finally, students compared the living standards and economic performance of Australia with other countries around the world.

– HASS Teachers: 

Kubashni Pillay & Ann Vincent

Middle School English

Assalamu Alaikum Parents & Caregivers,  

Year 7

This term the students have been exploring the concept of diversity. Students have thought about who they are and where they come from. They have accumulated this information and presented their own autobiographies. The year 7s have also been reading the novel ‘Boy’ by Roald Dahl. Students have developed TEEL paragraph writing skills and also conducted debates within the classroom.

Year 8

This term the year 8s have been researching the concept of recycling and our impact on the environment. They have been reading the novel ‘Trash’ by Andy Mulligan which follows a child who lives at a dumpsite, eking out a living sifting through rubbish. Students created their own presentations on sustainability and they have also been completing an intensive reading program which aimed to improve specific reading skills. This program has been a great success as the students’ scores in the English focused PATR tests improved. Well done to their teachers Antonios Pagonis and Rabia Khan.

Year 9

This term the year 9s have been exploring emotions. The students have analysed their own emotions, what triggers them and developed strategies to express these emotions in a healthy way through writing journals. Throughout the term we have also read a number of poems which explored the different emotions associated with conflict. The students had to show their understanding through an in-class timed extended response. For the last few weeks the students have begun creating their own poetry. Students have used a number of poetry structures which include haiku’s, limericks, black out poetry and free verse. Below you will see a couple of great examples of black out poetry created by our year 9s.

Year 10

With only a short term for the year 10s, we pushed them as hard as we could to prepare them for year 11. The students explored the Civil Rights Movement and racial segregation. They also viewed the film ‘Freedom Writers’ which emphasizes how education is pivotal in empowering students to make a difference. This term the students were asked to write a timed extended response on the film and an essay which helped to develop the necessary skills needed for year 11. Below you will find an excellent essay written by Manaal Easa.

Student Work – Manaal’s Essay

Farewell from Mrs Lewis

As I am expecting my first child in a few short months I will be on maternity leave from next year. I would like to thank all the teachers, students and parents for their support these past few years. It has been a pleasure to teach English at this school and I am grateful that I had the opportunity to be the English coordinator this year. I wish all the students the very best for next year and know they will produce some fantastic work.

– Holly Lewis

Middle School English Coordinator

High School Science

Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullah wa barakatuh

STEM Day Out

On Wednesday, 10 November, Year 11 biology students participated in the clinical biology excursion. This STEM Day Out program is presented by the University of South Australia under the UniSA connect program.

During this excursion, students learned about the theory about red blood cells and oxygen transport, conditions and treatment for shock, and some basic genetics of hereditary blood disorders. Students used blood pressure monitors and oximeters to collect personal data and then calculate their blood oxygen volumes during various activities (holding their breath, exercising, and simulating asthma conditions). Clinical procedures such as hand washing techniques are also practiced during interactive sessions. The students then put their knowledge to the test by listening to a triple zero call, extracting relevant information, and using vital signs from the training Manikin to diagnose the possible problem.

Year 7 Self-Initiated project  

In week 5, term 4, the year 7 students presented their self-initiated project as part of their science assessment. Student’s projects varied from a DNA extraction, making edible glass, capillary action, lava lamp, and many more. Students presented their projects during the SIP presentation as an individual scientist and showed an excellent understanding of the activities and the projects they carried out during the first five weeks of term 4. Students displayed exceptional communication and presenting skills when handling questions and inquiries about their projects.

– Dr. Waleed Jaseem

Science coordinator 

High School Sports

Assalam alaikum, 

It has been another successful term in the high school sports department at The Australian Islamic College Adelaide. We were fortunate once again, receiving a sporting grant to spend on AFL coaching sessions for our year 7 and 8 boys and girls, with the rest of the money spent on new AFL and European Handball equipment for our students to enjoy.

We have participated in several interschool sports tournaments this term. AIC is extremely proud of our soccer teams who played in a competitive 5-a-side soccer tournament early in the term. Our boys team managed to win every match they played (no draws or losses), securing first sport, becoming champions, and bringing home another well-deserved trophy.

Dragon boating has become an annual excursion our students are always excited for. Boating in the aggressive rain made for a very memorable day, one both teachers and students will remember for a long time. We are particularly impressed with our girls, who performed amazingly well on the day.

After-school sports continues, dramatically growing in numbers. The students have been enjoying a variety of sports, including some they are new to. European Handball has taken off, quickly becoming a favourite amongst many students.

It’s been a very successful 2021 for AIC. We have participated in many sporting competitions and managed to become champions on four occasions, beating sports academy schools and campuses with double or triple our enrolment numbers. These are fantastic achievements and a real testament to our wonderfully talented kids and caring parents who show incredible dedication to sport in and out of school. Well done to all!

Wassalam alaikum

– Paiwast Ahmed 

AIC Physical Education and Sports Coordinator 

Senior School Arabic

Assalaamu Alaikum

Dear Parents / Caregivers

Students in the Senior Arabic language classrooms have been immersed in Arabic with a focus on developing their listening, speaking, reading and writing skills and preparing for end-year exams.

The Year 10 students extended their learning of Arabic and understanding of its culture, through studying the unit of work, Fee Al-Mat’am (At the Restaurant). In grammar, they analysed and examined the Arabic sentence structure with focus on verbs, adjectives and adverbs. The Year 10 students are writing about their own experiences with the Arabic cuisine and restaurants.

The Year 10 students also prepared a PowerPoint Presentation and orally presented in Arabic about Transport Development throughout history after studying the Eskimo unit plan.

After intensive research, examining various texts and completing many formative assessments the Year 11 students completed the Investigation Task, Smoking and the Youth. They presented their findings in written and oral forms, they also successfully completed their end-of -year exam.

I wish our senior students every success and happiness in shaa’a Allah.

– Arabic Language Teacher/Coordinator

Mrs. Hanan Dallah


Assalamu Alejkum

Parents, Guardians and Families of AICA

With holidays approaching fast, more students are active online. The Internet can be wonderful for children, but online access also comes with risks, like inappropriate content, cyberbullying, and online predators. Talk with your children, use tools to protect them, and keep an eye on their activities.

Basic guidelines to share with your children for safe online use:

  • Follow the family rules, and those set by the Internet service provider.
  • Never post or trade personal pictures.
  • Never reveal personal information, such as address, phone number, or school name or location.
  • Use only a screen name and don’t share passwords (other than with parents).
  • Never agree to get together in person with anyone met online without parent approval and/or supervision.
  • Never respond to a threatening email, message, post, or text.
  • Always tell a parent or other trusted adult about any communication or conversation that was scary or hurtful

Basic guidelines for parental supervision

  • Spend time online together to teach your kids appropriate online behavior.
  • Keep the computer in a common area where you can watch and monitor its use, not in individual bedrooms.
  • Monitor any time spent on smartphones or tablets.
  • Bookmark kids’ favorite sites for easy access.
  • Check your credit card and phone bills for unfamiliar account charges.
  • Take your child seriously if he or she reports an uncomfortable online exchange.
  • For more information visit

As AICA counsellors we wish to thank you for your support during 2021 and InshAllah look forward to 2022 together as a community! Enjoy the holidays, stay safe, look after each other and appreciate your time together!


– Sr Senija Jahic

– Br Hassan Gures

Student Wellbeing/Counsellors


In week 5, the year 12 students completed all their end of year exams.  We would like to congratulate all students who have worked extremely hard throughout the year to achieve their goal of completing the SACE.

According to the SACE Board, the results will be released on Monday, December 13th, 2021 from 8.30am. These results are a testament to the dedication and support of our teachers, school leaders and parents who have helped these students on their learning journey.

We wish them all the best inshAllah.

In week 6, the year 11 and year 10 students also completed their end of semester exams. The year 11 and year 10 students will return in week 8 to start their year 12 and year 11 academic year. I would like to extend my warmest wishes to all the students for the beginning of the new academic year inshAllah.

– Mrs Ezz

SACE Coordinator

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