13 April 2022

Assalamualaikum Parents & Guardians,

السَّلامُ عَلَيْكُم وَرَحْمَةُ الله وَبَرَكاتُه

Alhamdulillah, we all made it till the end of this challenging term. All the teachers, students and parents did great work as one big family. Yes, it was a very hard term, but -Subhana Allah- a coin has two sides, and we all were blessed by feeling the good side of being sisters and brothers in Islam.

Al-Qur’an Al-Kareem Studies

AIC introduced this term ‘Complete Qaidah’ book, to help our kids in their Qur’an reading. Besides teaching the correct Makharij (pronunciation), kids use interactive applications to understand the meanings of the allocated Surahs.

The Grand Qur’an Competition is announced, and the race is started, good luck everyone!

Islamic Studies

Imam Malik told one of the youths of Quraysh

تعلم الأدب قبل أن تتعلم العلم

“Learn Adab before learning knowledge.”

The Islamic studies theme this term is MANNERS. We chose to start with this theme as respecting knowledge, time, and people are the essential key to learning. Students learnt about the importance of having rules, what’s bullying and how to deal with it, cleanliness, truthfulness, respect, kindness, and gratitude. Week 10 and 11, kids learnt about Ramadan and fasting, they also spent a lot of interesting time decorating their classes with beautiful Islamic designs.

We have now another beautiful grassed outside area. Year one went there to enjoy the grass and the good weather. We had our Qur’an memorization Halaqa, that followed with a short Tafakur  تَفَكُّر session about the blessing around us that we sometimes take as granted.

Arabic Language

Handwriting Competition:

In week 8, the Arabic department started the first phase of the handwriting competition, which is going to be resumed in the coming term Insha’ Allah.


Our little ones also followed the same theme of Al Adab and Al-Akhlaq in their Islamic studies session, they learnt about some important manners through short stories and discussion. Some Arabic language letters have been introduced for them, and Masha’Allah they are very excited to learn the Arabic letters and their stories.


Reception students did amazing work with their Qur’an, Islamic, and Arabic studies. They were busy every lesson to revise their allocated Surahs, reflect on the previous manner, learn a new letter, spot it and then write it correctly.

We have some brilliant police officers in Reception.

We celebrate Good Manners

Reception learnt some colours in Arabic outside, we sorted the tree leaves by colours, and then had a lot of fun playing chairs coloured game, where kids should sit on the chair that the teacher said its colour in the Arabic language:

Primary Stage

In the Arabic language classes, we integrated the main theme of Al-Adab and Al-Akhlaq in our lessons. The students learnt stories about manners while learning the language itself.

    كُلُّ عامٍ وَأنْتُم بِخَيْر   

     Heba Adel