20 September 2022

Dear Parents and Caregivers,

Assalamu Alaikum

AIC, Adelaide aims to provide a holistic educational experience for our students. Our events and competitions are a means of upholding this tradition and realising our vision. We started Term 3 with the Annual Quran Competition awards assembly, acknowledging all of our students across Primary and Secondary who memorised for, recited and excelled at this event.  The assembly was live streamed to allow parents to join our celebrations.

Throughout the term, multiple extracurricular activities were organised. These included Olympiad Science competition, Open Day at Science Alive, World of Math incursion, Engineering Day at UniSA and ICAS testing in various subject areas. Apart from that, we as a school engaged in Book Week celebrations which included a Book Fair, an assembly and a parade.  Like every other year, our students also participated in the Premier’s Reading Challenge. Other activities included Bachar Houli Cup Competitions for boys and girls, after school sport competitions. For senior students and parents, we had the SACE/VET & Careers parent information night, Careers morning, SATAC online sessions and one on one university consultation. In line with the Islamic ethos, we also organised the Hutt Street fundraiser for the homeless and Janazah preparation. This was done by our Year 11 Spirituality, Religion and Meaning students. These experiences allowed our students to shine in curricular as well as co-curricular areas. As regards upcoming events, our students are eagerly looking forward to Sport Day in week 8.

AIC Adelaide held a fundraising event in week 9 to support the Pakistan/Afghanistan Emergency Flood Appeal.  Thank you to all of those who have donated to this cause to assist our brothers and sisters in Pakistan and Afghanistan during this difficult time as a result of the dramatic flooding that hit these regions.

Term 3 has been a busy term across all school sectors. At the senior level, our Year 12 students are finalising their assessments tasks and preparing for their SACE exams. Their teachers are engaging with them to ensure that they are well prepared. Side by side, our career counsellor is working with them to ensure that they have plenty of guidance in the lead up to decide their university preferences. We wish them all the best, inshaAllah.

Our Year 10 and 11 students are also finalising their semester 2 schoolwork and preparing themselves for their semester 2 exams at the start of Term 4. They are counselled about subject selection and VET pathways in preparation for their 2023 academic year. The Year 10 students are very excited for their work experience week, which will take place in the last week of the term. We are also currently in the process of starting the Year 11 and Year 12, 2023 academic year in week4 of term4. This is to provide our stage1 and stage2 students with a head start for 2023.

Our primary sector teachers were also busy completing Lexile, PAT, termly Reading Recovery Testing and Waddington. As parents can play an important role in the development of our students reading skills, our primary school team is also organising an afternoon to share the reading skills and strategies used at school. We are always striving for parents’ input in our students learning journey.

I would also like to thank all our teachers who accommodated our student teachers. We hosted student teachers from UniSA, University of New England and Curtin University.  They enjoyed their practicum and gained a lot from their mentor teachers and inshAllah some of them will be joining our college in the future.

I would like to take this opportunity to welcome Ms Helen Bhatia in the High School English Department. In the Primary School, Ms Radhika Reddy has settled well in the current Year 3B. A big thank you goes to Ms Becek for her contribution over the last two terms in the Middle School. We wish her all the best.

I would like to take this opportunity to remind parents of the dangers of the online world and to talk to your children. If students have access to an electronic device, then social media platforms are available at their fingertips. This ease of access makes it difficult to know exactly where students are socialising online and how they are using the various platforms. Please support your child to use electronic devices in a positive and safe way.

We have certainly still being challenged by the impact of COVID-19. This in turn has impact on staffing. Finding Temporary Relief Teachers to cover our absent teachers is still a daily challenge.  I sincerely thank the teachers for the continual effort and support they provide to our students in their learning journey.

I thank all families for their ongoing support and commitment to helping keep our community protected.



Acting Principal