14 December 2021
Assalaamu Alaikum
Dear Parents / Caregivers
Students in the Senior Arabic language classrooms have been immersed in Arabic with a focus on developing their listening, speaking, reading and writing skills and preparing for end-year exams.
The Year 10 students extended their learning of Arabic and understanding of its culture, through studying the unit of work, Fee Al-Mat’am (At the Restaurant). In grammar, they analysed and examined the Arabic sentence structure with focus on verbs, adjectives and adverbs. The Year 10 students are writing about their own experiences with the Arabic cuisine and restaurants.
The Year 10 students also prepared a PowerPoint Presentation and orally presented in Arabic about Transport Development throughout history after studying the Eskimo unit plan.
After intensive research, examining various texts and completing many formative assessments the Year 11 students completed the Investigation Task, Smoking and the Youth. They presented their findings in written and oral forms, they also successfully completed their end-of -year exam.
I wish our senior students every success and happiness in shaa’a Allah.
– Arabic Language Teacher/Coordinator
Mrs. Hanan Dallah