13 April 2022

Year 8

The Year 8 students read Mahtab’s Story this term while also studying Australia’s treatment of refugees in detail. The students worked on an information writing task where they had to pick out language techniques and explain their purpose. Later on in the term, the students used those techniques to write a persuasive letter directed to Parliament about the treatment of asylum seekers like Mahtab in Australia.

Year 9

The Year 9 students read Animal Farm this term while studying the effect persuasive language can have on the reader. The students created their own propaganda newspaper pages taking a side from the book, before writing a persuasive essay about eating meat and animal products. The focus of writing with intent was later transferred to narrative writing where the students taught a lesson from a proverb through stories where the focus was creating tension in order for the reader to care for the characters involved.

Antonios Pagonis