Upper Primary School

Upper Primary School

AIC Primary School offers a supportive, productive and safe environment where students foster their curiosity equipped with the skills to inquire deeply into their learning and develop communication skills with the ability to interact effectively with others in the wider community. The learning is personalised and differentiated to respect the individual needs, abilities and interests of all students.

We believe that the most productive learning environment is one where the school and parents work in partnership. We therefore encourage and welcome parent involvement in the Primary School.

Our objective is to ensure that we establish an inspiring centre for learning where students receive a balanced education in an Islamic environment that will promote their spiritual, moral, cultural, social and physical development.


Assessment of student learning takes place at different levels and for different purposes, including:

  • Ongoing formative assessment within classrooms for the purposes of monitoring learning and providing feedback, for teachers to inform their teaching, and for students to inform their learning.

  • Summative assessment twice-yearly reporting by schools to parents and carers on the progress and achievement of students.

  • Diagnostic testing carried throughout the year for the purposes of monitoring learning and to inform future teaching.

  • Annual testing of Years 3, 5, 7 and 9 students’ levels of achievement in aspects of literacy and numeracy, conducted as a part of the National Assessment Program Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN).

Our students leave the Primary School as engaged learners with enhanced skills in literacy and numeracy and life long learning skills to ensure success in the future. They are ready for the discipline and challenges that lie ahead in the Middle School.


The formal curriculum for the Primary School is based on the ACARA framework, which is aimed at developing rich literacy, numeracy, and technological skills. The curriculum provides opportunities for every child to:

  • Develop a deep understanding of critical concepts and conduct research into knowledge, which has local and global importance.

  • Gain and develop a range of life long learning skills.

  • Foster positive attitudes towards learning, the environment and other people.

  • Become engaged in responsible action and social service.

  • Humanities and Social Sciences

  • Physical Education and Health

  • The Arts

  • We also offer the following Islamic subjects for all our students:

  • Islamic Studies

  • Arabic language

  • Quranic Studies

Our Primary programs are based on current learning theories and we approach all teaching and learning through a wide variety of teaching styles. We acknowledge and recognise the learning styles of students and extend, enrich and challenge all students to reach their full potential.

The Physical Education program takes full advantage of the hall together with internal and external organised events where students are provided the opportunity to enhance their skills. Technology is used to enrich learning experiences and students have access to a computer lab.


  • Reading Recovery Assessment

  • Literacy Pro extension reading assessment.

  • PAT diagnostic assessment for Comprehension, Maths, Vocabulary, Science, Grammar, and Punctuation.

  • Sheena Cameron Reading, Writing and Oral Strategies

  • Jolly Phonics Foundation (Foundation to Year 5)

  • Science—Primary Connections

  • English as an Additional Language or Dialect (EALD)

  • Special Education Support

  • Maths Number Talks

  • After School Sport

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