5 July 2022

As the new appointed VET Coordinator for 2022 I would like to take this opportunity to clarify the role of Vet. VET stands for Vocation Educational Training. AIC offers VET courses to students in Years 11 & 12. VET courses are offered by a variety of registered training organisations (RTOs) and provide students with the opportunity to develop industry specific skills while still at school. Depending on the level of the course, Stage 1 & 2 SACE credits are achieved by the completion of these courses.
Students can develop skills in trades or industries that interest them and work towards their SACE at the same time. An approved, completed Certificate III (or higher) qualifications may count towards an ATAR. In some cases, completion of a VET Certificate III may serve as a Course Admission Requirement for entry to a related higher level TAFE course.

Currently, Year 11 & 12 students can undertake courses at the beginning of the year. For these courses, days, venues, and prices are wide and varied and there are too many to detail. Please contact me (details below) for more information about any industry that interests you.

Currently, Year 10 students have completed expressions of interest forms for Try-A-Trade courses offered at Western Technical College in Term 3. Students are encouraged to meet with Ms. Hanifi if they are interested in pursuing a vocational pathway in 2023. Enrolments for VET courses will begin in Term 3. Enrolments for semester 2, 2022 is underway.

Noha Hanifi
Teacher & VET Coordinator