21 September 2022

Assalamu Alaikum,

Year 6A


The year 6 students have been learning how to write historical recounts. They have examined historical recounts on important events in history, such as the sinking of the Titanic, Gallipoli and the invention of the telegraph and morse code. We have enjoyed reading our class novel together, ‘The Mostly True Story of Jack,’ during our comprehension lessons


This term students have been learning about Basketball, and have enjoyed learning about the different skills and strategies that can be used in a game of basketball. In Health they have learnt about drug and alcohol awareness.


Students have learnt about perimeter, area, discounts, operations with money, packing and stacking and timetables.


Students have created a range of drawings and designs to help them create self-portraits, graduation caps and memory wheels of their memories from Primary school.


We have been learning about Earth and Space Sciences, and how sudden geological changes can affect the Earth’s surface. 6A have learnt about the Earth’s surface, tectonic plates and natural disasters.


The students have been learning about Robotics, using Spike Prime Kits. They have learnt about a variety of life hacks, and have created break dancers, ways to display wind speed, displaying a weather forecast, and have been able to create Leo the personal trainer.  


Students have been learning about Business and Economics in HASS. They have learnt why choices about the allocation of resources involve trade-offs, why it is important to be informed when making consumer and financial decisions and have been able to recognise the different ways that business choose to provide goods and services.

Year 6B

Book Week

Term 3 would be the most exciting Term of the Year with Book Week activities the highlight!Year 6B have been fortunate to have Mr Perotta taking the class on Wednesday and has taken the Technologies, Science, PE and Health. Please read his report below.


The Year 6’s worked on Lego Robotics this term. Students had group tasks that included using cloud data and digital technology. To show their work, students answered questions on weekly tasks and most completed extension tasks set. Most students were surprised when their designs moved due to them programming cloud data. All showed an interest in the hands-on tasks, with some excelling unexpectedly.


In Science, students discussed answers to questions on Hydrological, Meteorological, Geological and other Natural Disasters. There were some great questions asked in class and student engagement. Two experiments focused on earthquake and flood simulations. During these experiments, students developed understanding on the elements of a Scientific report.


Health included Alcohol, Drugs and Smoking education. In the Smoking unit, students completed advertisements that were similar to real-life advertisements by including statements, graphics, an information message, and explanation message. Everyone passed, with some excellent advertisements and original designs. The next assessment looks at internet/physical campaigns.


In P.E., students focused on Basketball drills. These drills included passing, dribbling, and positioning, which everyone had to improve on. In game practice, most showed participation and encouraged others too. Importantly, some students giving the drills some practice!

The class has been busy studying their novel The Mostly True Story of Jack which is full of intrigue and mystery. Some Art activities have been based on the novel. We are working on improving comprehension skills. The students are also developing skills in historical recount writing.


HASS lessons have taught the students about Financial Planning and decision making. We are planning on having a stall at the beginning of Term 4 to raise money for end of Year activities.

The Students have been undertaking a variety of activities about Measurement including perimeter, area, packing and stacking, timetables and timelines.

We are looking forward to the holidays and hopefully warmer weather inshaAllah

Again, thank you for your ongoing support!

Rosalie Haese and Adam Perotta