4 July 2022

Assalamu alaikum

Dear Parents and Caregivers,

InshaAllah this finds you in the best of health and eman!
The Year 7s have been working diligently this term in both HASS and Islamic.

In HASS, they have been exploring the vitality of water to our everyday life and how it impacts the world we live in. Students have been delving in deep and have been analysing how it shapes our lives beyond agriculture and drinking. We have discussed how Zam Zam water shaped Arabia from a geographical point of view.

In Islamic Studies, we have been looking at the biography of Prophet Muhammad SAW and how the people in his early life impacted his path of life. Students have worked meticulously on their presentations on one of the Prophet SAW family members. I have been pleased with the outcome of their work. Well done, Year 7s!

If you any questions, concerns or just want to have a chat about your child’s progress feel free to contact me via email [email protected].

Kindest regards,

Miss Atakan
English, HASS and Islamic Teacher