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So far shahmeer has created 69 blog entries.

Quran & Azaan Competition


Assalamu Alaikom Wa Rahmatu Allahe Wa Barakatuh, Dear Parents/Caregivers, On the 23rd and 24th of May, the Australian Islamic College held its Annual Quran and Azan Competition at the Adelaide campus. Alhamdulillah the Quran competition was a great success with 73 participants ranging from Reception to Year 12. The main aim of the Quran competition was to encourage students to recite The Holy Quran and to provide them with the opportunity to compete with each other with the best recitation of the words of Allah. The judges for the competition were Imam Mohamed Elsayed of AIC Adelaide, Imam Riyad El-Rifaie [...]

Quran & Azaan Competition2022-07-06T03:10:14+00:00

Business Innovation


Assalamu alaikum, Year 11 Business Innovation students had developed the pitching skills. They have created and presented a 2-minute pitch that supported and promoted their product and services, the value propositions, purpose, and goals as well as future aspiration of the business. Students considered the pains and gains associated with start-up businesses. They showcased how digital transformation can enhance business on a local level. As part of Year 12 Business Innovation students had developed the business knowledge, skills, and understandings through the development and evaluation of business models. Students identified the challenges associated with designing and transforming business. They presented [...]

Business Innovation2022-07-06T05:14:19+00:00

High School Math


Assalamu Alaikum,The Year 7 to Year 9 classes are busy preparing for their exam next week (week 7). The topic covered in the exam will be the topics covered from beginning of Term 1 until week 6, Term 2. These classes are taught by our excellent teachers, Sister Christina Rodrigues, Sister Noor Omar, Brother Abdullah Trad and Brother Azeem Ali. At the same time, the allocation of students in year 8 has changed from two to three groups based on their NAPLAN results in 2021.This semester, the Year 10 Advanced Mathematics students have started the study of Trigonometry. Trigonometry is one [...]

High School Math2022-07-05T04:41:33+00:00

High School English


Year 8 English This term, the Year 8 students have been focusing on the concept of perspective while studying the novel “Boy in the Striped Pyjamas.” John Boyne’s novel effectively visualises the concept for the students and educates them of the division of Nazi Germany and the atrocities of concentration camps like Auschwitz. Students composed a newspaper front page aimed at educating a peer about the Holocaust before writing journal entries for a minor character’s perspective. The term ended with the students' comparing similarities and differences between the book and the movie while explaining the reasoning behind them. Ms Rabia Khan, [...]

High School English2022-07-05T04:37:47+00:00

Primary Sports


In Term Two we have had some free clinics, continuing programs and have begun planning for the coming years events. This term we have achieved the following. Successfully secured $3000 in Sporting Schools Grants Run AFL Coaching for years 3-6 through the sporting schools program Run free Female Basketball Coaching sessions for years R-6 Begun our second Auskick Program Had a visit from AFLW Player Sarah Allan and the Premiership Cup Run and won our first Islamic Inter-school Competition Registered for the first ever Boys Westies Cup AFL Competition Begun preparations for the Boys and Girls Bachar Houli Cups Begun [...]

Primary Sports2022-07-06T03:08:00+00:00

Primary Literacy


This term our students have participated in PAT testing in the following areas for Literacy: Spelling, Grammar, Reading and Punctuations. Early analysis of data has indicated that our students’ strengths are in Spelling and Grammar.We have begun preparations for Literacy Week Next term. We will be holding our annual Book fair run by our year 5 students this year and have begun to plan our Book Week Parade. This is always a very exciting event for our students and teachers, and we all look forward to seeing our favourite book characters on this day.Our Library as received 50 new Lexile Books [...]

Primary Literacy2022-07-05T03:53:59+00:00

Primary Numeracy


Assalamu AlaikumThe annual NAPLAN assessment occurred on Tuesday, 10 May 2022 and concluded on 20 May 2022. An estimated 1.2 million students undertook the test in more than 9,500 schools and campuses across Australia.All students in Years 3, 5, 7 and 9 at AIC participated in the online testing. NAPLAN evaluates skills such as reading, writing, spelling, grammar and numeracy. It is just one aspect of a school’s assessment and reporting process. It does not replace ongoing assessments made by teachers about student performance, but simply provides teachers with additional information about their progress.Receiving the NAPLAN 2022 data will provide valuable [...]

Primary Numeracy2022-07-05T03:51:41+00:00

Year 7


Assalamu alaikumDear Parents and Caregivers,InshaAllah this finds you in the best of health and eman!The Year 7s have been working diligently this term in both HASS and Islamic.In HASS, they have been exploring the vitality of water to our everyday life and how it impacts the world we live in. Students have been delving in deep and have been analysing how it shapes our lives beyond agriculture and drinking. We have discussed how Zam Zam water shaped Arabia from a geographical point of view.In Islamic Studies, we have been looking at the biography of Prophet Muhammad SAW and how the people [...]

Year 72022-07-06T03:05:40+00:00

Year 6


Assalamu Alaikum English The students have been working on Informative writing. They have learnt about the various organisational structures used in this way of writing. PE and Health This term students have been learning about Football and have enjoyed AFL sessions at school with the coaches from Sports Plus. In Health they have learnt about confidence, and have been learning how to improve their confidence, turn negative thoughts into positive thoughts, and how to identify their own personal skills and qualities. Maths Students have learnt about adding and subtracting fractions, equivalent fractions, fractions as division, [...]

Year 62022-07-05T02:18:22+00:00

Year 5


English Mayoral Make A Books were completed and taken to the Charles Sturt Library. We are very hopeful that we have a winner in our class. Students used 7 Steps to complete their narrative stories and the finished products were impressive. Drama Freeze frames are used in drama to make a visual picture, like a photograph, to show characters in a scene or series of scenes. Students in 5A have thoroughly enjoyed pretending they are in different scenarios, pretending to be different characters. In small groups they have created a series of freeze frames to tell a fairy [...]

Year 52022-07-05T01:50:36+00:00
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