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So far shahmeer has created 69 blog entries.

Arabic Lower Primary


Assalamu Alaikum Parents & Guardians,                                                 السَّلامُ عَلَيْكُم وَرَحْمَةُ الله وَبَرَكاتُه The Qur’an class The Holy Prophet صَلَّى اللّٰهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّم has said: ‘فَإِنَّ خَيْرَ الْحَدِيثِ كِتَابُ اللّٰهِ i.e., the best Word is the Book of Allah (Quran Majeed)’. (Muslim, pp. 335, Hadees 2005). That is why the Juz’ memorization was the most important reward this term. Our Qur’an teachers keep a record of our students progress, and the department decided to reward those who completed the memorization of a whole Juz’. Masha ‘Allah, Masha ‘Allah, the primary school has many students who finished different Juz’ of the Noble Qur’an. [...]

Arabic Lower Primary2022-04-07T06:37:54+00:00

Digital Technologies


Assalamu alaikum, This term we were able to introduce Robotics for the first time to our year 5 classes. Lego Robotics enables students to learn by constructing their own models and bringing them to life. Students were able to communicate, collaborate, and improve their team building skills. Students built robots with lego, then used coding to program these robots to perform various functions. Students were able to create robots from lego, and could then program them using coding. Students created glowing snails, moving satellites, spy robots, cooling fans and robust structures. Our school was fortunate to have Senator the Hon [...]

Digital Technologies2022-04-07T06:38:59+00:00

Junior Primary and Primary SRC


Junior Primary and Primary Student Representative Council (SRC) 2021 It’s been another amazing semester supporting our youngest student leaders in the SRC. The biggest highlight for us was the development of our two wicking gardens and planting an abundance of vegetables – it makes my heart beet. After applying and winning a small grant from Woolworths and Junior Landcare we embarked on the task of redeveloping an unused area in the school and building a vegetable garden. We held a ‘rainbow of healthy food’ fundraiser and sought help from Bunnings Prospect for some donations. Next, we reached out to Dr [...]

Junior Primary and Primary SRC2022-04-07T06:37:15+00:00

Middle School Curriculum Coordinator’s Message


Assalamu AlaikumIt is hard to believe that it is almost the end of the school year. This has been a year replete with learning opportunities that students have engaged in enthusiastically and to the best of their abilities. While they continued to work industriously to elevate their learning, there were also well-deserved interludes to display their sporting acumen and leadership skills. Being the ultimate learning period of the year, the students had their semester exams, standardised tests, formative and summative assessments during the term. The results from these assessments will enable their teachers to compare and contrast their performance over the [...]

Middle School Curriculum Coordinator’s Message2022-04-07T06:37:06+00:00

Middle School Coordinator’s Message


Assalamu Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wa Barakatuh. Alhumdullilah we have reached the end of another successful school year. A huge thank you to parents, teachers and students for supporting each other to accomplish the educational objectives of 2021.  Earlier this year we welcomed a new cohort of nervous year 7 students into the middle school. Some were apprehensive about high school and transitioning took a while but what we saw this term proved that they have grown into confident and capable students, mainly through the guidance and support of their teachers. At the self-initiated science display, these students demonstrated creativity, resourcefulness, confidence, [...]

Middle School Coordinator’s Message2022-04-07T06:39:14+00:00

Head of Junior and Upper Primary’s Message


Assalamu’Alaikum wa Rahmatullahi Wabarakatuh We cannot believe that the end of the school year has arrived. This has been an extraordinary 2021 with a tremendous sense of accomplishment. From the inauguration of the STEM room and student activities, World Math Day, Harmony Day, Sports day celebrations in beginning of the year to Premier’s Reading Challenge, fundraisers, after school sports, Year level transitions and end of year classroom celebrations – our students have been involved in an extraordinary number of activities. Not forgetting the tremendous amount of learning that has taken place during the year. [...]

Head of Junior and Upper Primary’s Message2022-04-07T06:36:51+00:00

Deputy Principal’s Message


AssalamualaikumTo be Vaxxed or not to be Vaxxed? – That is the question!From the beginning of the 2022 school year, all Education Staff in SA must be vaccinated against COVID 19.I made the decision to be vaccinated in June this year following my husband’s vaccination.To be quite honest with you, I was hesitant. I didn’t feel comfortable having a substance injected in me that hadn’t been around long. I’d also heard bad reports about the Astra Zeneca vax which made me nervous. However, I have had both my jabs now and I feel very relieved and proud [...]

Deputy Principal’s Message2022-04-07T06:36:43+00:00

Principal’s Message


Assalaam ‘alaikum Dear Parents,Alhamdulillah, praise be to Allah, 2021 has been a challenging but ultimately extremely successful year. It has been a pleasure to see our students develop over the past 12 months and to support our teachers in delivering a range of wonderful events alongside their exemplary teaching practice. Despite the pressure of COVID-19, our teaching was continuous whether online or in the classroom and we look forward to excellent results from our graduating students. 2021 has seen the exciting introduction of Robotics into our upper primary, a wicking garden next to the STEAM room and [...]

Principal’s Message2022-04-07T06:36:38+00:00

Human Appeal – Well Project in Burma (Myanmar)


Adelaide: Alhamdulillah! Thanks to your valuable contribution, Human Appeal International's project of digging up a well in the rural village of Don Pyin North in Myanmar is successfully completed.The Direct of Projects for Human Appeal Australia, Mr. Issam Chaouk has a message for you through the well report. "Human Appeal International would like to extend our utmost thanks and appreciation for your support in the past and your continued support in our various charity programs for the benefit of orphans, the poor and the needy."You can access the well report from the below document.Human Appeal

Human Appeal – Well Project in Burma (Myanmar)2022-01-25T07:18:15+00:00
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