Executive Team
Abdullah Khan OAM & FACEL
Executive Principal & Chief Executive Officer
Abdullah joined Australian Islamic College (Perth) Inc as Executive Principal & CEO in 2011. He brought a wealth of experience to this role gained from both public and independent school sectors including Principal of Al-Hidayah Islamic School in Perth for five years and consultant in Qatar for five British & IB schools.
His commitment and contribution to education is vast and includes successfully leading four Islamic schools achieving significant improvements in academic results, financial capacity and integration of Islamic values across all areas of the curriculum. He was instrumental in rescuing a liquidated Islamic school in South Australia in 2017 which is now flourishing under his leadership and guidance. His dedication to assist Muslims is demonstrated by his government and private community sector involvement which includes appointment to the Minister for Citizenship and Multicultural Interests’ Advisory Group (MAG) in 2018; his ongoing Membership of the WA Police Muslim Advisory Group since its inception; President of ISAA (Islamic Schools Association of Australia) since 2012.
Abdullah Khan
Executive Principal & Chief Executive Officer
Abdullah joined Australian Islamic College (Perth) Inc as Executive Principal & CEO in 2011. He brought a wealth of experience to this role gained from both public and independent school sectors including Principal of Al-Hidayah Islamic School in Perth for five years and consultant in Qatar for five British & IB schools.
His commitment and contribution to education is vast and includes successfully leading four Islamic schools achieving significant improvements in academic results, financial capacity and integration of Islamic values across all areas of the curriculum. He was instrumental in rescuing a liquidated Islamic school in South Australia in 2017 which is now flourishing under his leadership and guidance. His dedication to assist Muslims is demonstrated by his government and private community sector involvement which includes appointment to the Minister for Citizenship and Multicultural Interests’ Advisory Group (MAG) in 2018; his ongoing Membership of the WA Police Muslim Advisory Group since its inception; President of ISAA (Islamic Schools Association of Australia) since 2012.
Abdullah was awarded with the Australian Council for Educational Leaders (ACEL) WA Honorary Fellowship by the Minister for Education in 2016. In 2017 he was issued with a Certificate of Appreciation from WA Police for valued support and advice provided to WA Police through his longstanding membership of WA Police Muslim Community Advisory Group. In 2018 and 2020 he was a Highly Commended Finalist in the Commonwealth Bank Teaching Awards throughout Australia. In 2021 he was the recipient of the Western Australian Multicultural Award for Outstanding Individual Achievement on state level. In January 2021 he was appointed as a member of the Ministerial Multicultural Advisory Council (MMAC) who are tasked with providing the government and Minister for Citizenship and Multicultural Interests with direct grassroots feedback and advice on relevant polices, issues and needs of the culturally and linguistically diverse (CaLD) communities of WA. The Department of Sports & Recreation have acknowledged Abdullah’s contributions to the CaLD communities through assisting with successful integration into mainstream society and wider community through participation in sport by placing his photo and contributory notes in the department’s foyer permanently.
Abdullah holds a Bachelor of Science & Education from overseas and Master of Education from Murdoch University, Perth.
Awards & Achievements

ACEL WA Awards – ACEL Fellowship (Honorary) 2016
Media Coverage

Celebrating Abdullah Khan: OAM Recipient and Esteemed Leader in Education for The Community

Governor of WA Congratulates Abdullah Khan for OAM Award

Premier of WA Congratulates Abdullah Khan for OAM Award