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So far shahmeer has created 69 blog entries.

AIC Executive Principal & CEO Abdullah Khan interview with Muslim Kids TV


In an interview with Muslim Kids TV, Australian Islamic College Executive Principal and CEO Abdullah Khan talks about the Importance of Islamic Education and Schooling.In this session, he talks aboutThe right balance between online education and in-person learningHow to Deal with LGBTQ issues in an Islamic school settingHow to avoid the negative influence of social media

AIC Executive Principal & CEO Abdullah Khan interview with Muslim Kids TV2023-01-21T08:11:24+00:00

Art Room


This term, the Year 12s are working on their Visual Study Task which involves them exploring artists of their choice. They will also be replicating or experimenting with the chosen artists’ artwork in order to learn the different styles and techniques these artists employ to create their artwork.Below are a few examples of the work some of the students have done. Niuma ErnstThe Arts

Art Room2022-07-05T19:58:23+00:00



Assalamu Alaikum Dear Parents and CaregiversWe aim to provide consistent and quality career guidance to our students form Years 7-12. This is accomplished through a variety of activities organised throughout the year for the students. While most of these activities focus on Year 12 cohort as they are the level closest to finalising a choice in careers and a university degree; however, efforts are made to orientate students from year 7-10 as well. As a result, we have a group of very well-informed students who not only know about key factors to consider when deciding upon a career choice, but also [...]




Assalaamu Alaikum Dear Parents / Caregivers,The senior students have been busy in the Arabic language classroom since the start of Term 2.The Year 10 students engaged in two important topics, In Ramadan and My Future. They explored the meaning, vocabulary and expressions in these units of work. In grammar, they studied the absolute objects, adverbs, patterns, part of the attached pronouns, comparatives & superlatives. Students also reflected on their learning by writing about A Day in Ramadan.The Year 11 students completed writing and presenting the summative tasks, Text Analysis assignment, Festivities in Australia and the Arab Countries and the Interaction Task [...]




Assalamu Alaikum,As the new semester has begun for the senior year; new and enthralling topics are being taught across all classes.The first two topics that are being taught to the Year 11s are Heat and Temperature. Whilst covering these topics, students will learn various Physics components that correspond with these topics. In addition, the Year 12 students will start the topic of Lights and Atoms in week 7. Assalamu Alaikum, As the new semester has begun for the senior year; new and enthralling topics are being taught across all classes. On 3rd June, the Year 11 Physics class [...]




Year 7 ICT The term began with the Year 7 students exploring what makes websites successful, focusing in on aspects of their favourite sites such as logos, fonts, colours, links and structure. After reviewing a range of websites, students were given an opportunity to create their own visual website, while explaining their choices and the rationale behind them. The term ended with the students investigating different research techniques and eventually creating their own survey, with the digital technology focus being how to visualise data on tools like Microsoft Excel. Mr Antonios Pagonis, Mr Abdullah Trad and Ms Dosina Hasin [...]




As I assumed the role as SACE coordinator, I will update students and parents with SACE communications. In Semester 2, Stage 1 students undertake subject selection based on their interest and future career path. We support students to make the right choices through SACE/VET and Career information sessions. For more information about the SACE subject please visit the SACE website: Relevant information regarding the subjects AIC offers at Stage 1 can be found on school website in the Senior Curriculum Handbook. SATAC guide and the University and TAFE websites also provide valuable information about the various courses that students can [...]




Year 12 Religion Studies Students have been learning about the impact of alcohol, the stages of Tahrim and why alcohol is the source of all evil. Students have also been working on their research of various drugs and preparing a report of oral presentation to demonstrate their learning. Students are preparing for mid-year exams which are scheduled for week 8, inshaallah. Year 11 Spiritualties, Religion & Meaning AIC is one of the few schools which is implementing the new curriculum of Spiritualities, Religion and Meaning in 2022. Our Year 11 students are one of the first students who [...]




As the new appointed VET Coordinator for 2022 I would like to take this opportunity to clarify the role of Vet. VET stands for Vocation Educational Training. AIC offers VET courses to students in Years 11 & 12. VET courses are offered by a variety of registered training organisations (RTOs) and provide students with the opportunity to develop industry specific skills while still at school. Depending on the level of the course, Stage 1 & 2 SACE credits are achieved by the completion of these courses. Students can develop skills in trades or industries that interest them and work towards their [...]




Year 9 HASS In Year 9 Geography, the focus at the beginning of the term was biomes. Students were introduced to a range of biomes and where they can be found in the natural world. They were shown how each biome plays a crucial role for life on the planet and that if one falls, stress is put on the surrounding biomes. Students selected a biome and created an infographic to present the unique characteristics it possesses and the threats it is facing. In the second half of the term, the classes focused on food security around the world. They were [...]

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